Cover artwork for 60s Garage Psych legends The Satelliters.
Cover artwork for 60s Garage
Psych legends
The Satelliters
Cover artwork for 60s Garage Psych legends The Satelliters.
Client The Satelliters, Soundflat Records
Format 12" Vinyl LP
Cover Photography by Regine Ullrich
Giving tribute to The Lord's 1969 album "Ulleogamaxbe" upon the band's request, this cover artwork offers intense and bright colors meeting boldly floating letterings and abstract shapes.
Giving tribute to the Lord's 1969 album "Ulleogamaxbe" upon the band's request, this cover artwork offers intense and bright colors meeting boldly floating letterings and abstract shapes.
Giving tribute to the Lord's 1969 album "Ulleogamaxbe" upon the band's request, this cover artwork offers intense and bright colors meeting boldly float-ing letterings.
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