Bacherlor thesis paying tribute to the vinyl record.
Bacherlor thesis paying tribute to the vinyl record.
Bacherlor thesis paying tribute to the vinyl record.
Bacherlor thesis paying tribute to the vinyl record.
175 x 175mm, 91 pages
4/0c digital print
177 x 177 mm,
1/0c letterpress, center die cut hole
For my bacherlor degree in Informationdesign I was dealing with the topic of vinyl records giving insights in technical features, design aspects but also displaying the affection for the medium by collectors and djs.
The booklet features a letterpress and die-cut slip case and contains six short stories and situational photographs outlining the world of customers, producers and dealers.
In an entertaining way, the bizarre fascination that vinyl records may exert over listeners, shall be introduced to people who are new to the topic and furthermore some expertise shall deliver the high quality characteristics of vinyl in means of sound storage media and cultural assets.
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